Conference theme

The theme of CIM08 is musical structure from the viewpoint of all musically and musicologically relevant disciplines. The conference aims to bring together representatives of the humanities, the sciences, and musical practice who are involved in research on musical structure. Researchers from all relevant disciplines are invited to contribute theoretical, empirical and computational studies.

Making sense of music means, among other things, being able to break it down to simpler components and to make associations between them. In other words, it involves understanding musical structure . Musical structure plays a central role in all levels of engagement with music: listening, performing, improvising and composing. In recent years, an increasing number of music researchers have begun to adopt or promote an explicitly interdisciplinary approach to understanding musical structure.

All papers at CIM08 will involve interactions between contrasting disciplinary approaches to musical structure, such as:

Specific aspects of musical structure that may be addressed in relation to the above topics include:

Papers may also address specific repertoires, genres, styles or performance media (such as acoustic versus electroacoustic music).

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